Tuesday 15 May 2012

Peace Photos

Well this was obviously a fantastic photo and the colors really brought out a peaceful atmosphere.
Creative Commons Licence
Pathway to Peace by Joshua is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Romania License.
Based on a work at jrimesthirds.blogspot.ca.
This was a nature shot that seemed to have a great out come of peace.
This photo was of a dead try leading your eye towords the water.
this was peacful photo of a pond that had relected rays from the sun which was very peaceful.
This was a still shot of a growing plant and it seemed to represent peace in many ways.


Thursday 3 May 2012


Shudder Speed

The shutter speed in this picture is fast.

This picture the shudder speed is slowin down  a little bit.
In this picture the shudder speed is slower yet and you can start to see that the photo is getting blurry.

This picture shows the shudder speed is getting extremly slow because of the quality.
This one is obvously to slow because your beggining to not be able to see whats going on n the picture at all.

Tuesday 1 May 2012


This was an interesting picture I thought because of the use of the line and the reflection of the light.

This was a picture with lots of light at the top and as your eye is led downwords it gets darker.
This was a striaght shot of a line going across the picture.

This was a shot of a line that leads you past objects in the picture which I thought was neat.
This was a shot of a wooden substance with a line through it and i thought the lighting was neat in this picture.